Question: If I join Newham Parent Forum, what will I have to do?
Answer: Whatever you feel comfortable with
Join as a member and just receive information
Join us just for coffee and a chat
Join us for events and workshops when you can
Get more involved in the steering group of the forum
Get involved with the work we do with the Local Authority as a parent rep (training & some payment for your time is available)
Take on a key role in the management of the forum (we have vacancies)
Answer: Whatever you feel comfortable with
Join as a member and just receive information
Join us just for coffee and a chat
Join us for events and workshops when you can
Get more involved in the steering group of the forum
Get involved with the work we do with the Local Authority as a parent rep (training & some payment for your time is available)
Take on a key role in the management of the forum (we have vacancies)